The value to you of NPAFE’s
(Note: There is a short form at the bottom for you to ask questions and find out more.)
…NPAFE is proposing to major advertising agencies that they encourage their brand clients to commission artists like you to create live and digital dance works that will:
- Grow the audience for dance,
- Build your reputation nationally and internationally, and
- Recognize and compensate you for your power to increase respect for the brand sponsor.
…This special NPAFE program is tailor-made for dance world creatives like you who want greater audience recognition and funding for new works.
…The program’s purpose is to put money in your hands to create immersive micro dance videos that will get your name out there.
…It centers on commissioning original work that you get to create, based either on how you propose to match your choreography to the message that the brand wants to send or, even more creatively, or a message that you yourself create that reflects your own respect for brands that you favor.
…This contrasts with the normal role that a booking or talent agent plays when a brand or its marketing agency hires dancers for a work created by someone else.
…Once you have the brand’s message, you then get to create a 30-60 second (or longer) immersive video that will look so great on a smartphone that people will click on it. Or you can use existing media that you believe will tell the story.
…The best part? You can even tell us the brands you love and NPAFE will then find their agency of record and recommend you to them.
…In sum, this program makes you the creator, choreographer and, if you want, performer, whether by yourself or with others, all to send a message about brands that you yourself favor.
What’s the catch?
There’s none. This short & simple agent agreement form says it all.
Click here to see it.
What’s the catch?
There’s none. This short, simple, program agent agreement says it all.
Click here to see it.
Tell us what you think…
Tell us what you think…
NPAFE is grateful for the time and thought you are taking to answer these questions. NPAFE does not sell or share to any third party any information you may share anywhere on our websites or social media platforms. Here’s where to go to find out more about our privacy policy.