Sina Doering.
Pure power
for setting the beat.
For the people. By the people.
With the people.
Almost a million
people worldwide.
Following her right now.
Sina Drums
Sina Doering.
Pure power
for setting the beat.
For the people.
By the people.
With the people.
Almost a million
people worldwide.
Following her right now.
Follow the beat! Scroll down to discover how Sina is paving the way for young female musicians everywhere! (This section not used)
This section not used
Follow the beat! Scroll down to discover how Sina is paving the way for young female musicians everywhere!
Sina Doering in her own words…
I want to play music that I enjoy myself. That might be complicated stuff, as long as I enjoy it. In general, I want my drum covers to be interesting for non-musicians too.
Neither do I know whether I will still be up for producing drum covers in five years’ time. But at the moment I feel that my work is completely fulfilling. I have a super cool job!
A musician. I like good music. All kinds of good music. What is good music? Don’t know, but as far as I’m concerned some kind of musical instruments should be involved.
Sina Doering in NPAFE’s words…
Where might you find a woman drummer, for that matter any drummer of any gender, so deeply passionate about – and so damn good at – setting the perfect beat?
Look no further than Sina Doering, who as Sina Drums with her matchless sense of rhythm and timing, happens to be so good at all matters percussion that, today, almost a million people around the world are following her.
Sina Doering is in fact a famed 21-year-old drummer from Germany with a lifetime of love and connection to music. By age 2, she was already accompanying her dad on an international tour with a Beatles Tribute Band.
That’s where Sina got her first taste of the pure joy that music can offer. Trying her hand in background singing at a young age, Sina began drumming at age 10 years, opening a whole new world for this remarkable creative genius.
Sina’s love for all things music flows from her heart to her drum set, with the sound of the beat flowing from deep within her soul out to the world.
You can see her passion for music in her every movement. Drumsticks in hand, arms flashing magically at warp speed, there she is, not only in the moment but actually creating the moment, setting pace and tempo for musician and listener alike. No wonder she has her soon-to-be million-plus fan base totally in awe.
And no wonder NPAFE is thrilled to be a proud supporter of all things Sina, from her covers to her original work.
Chi Might Project was Sina’s original debut album. However, that project was unlike any other debut album you might discover. Sina invited musicians from across the globe to collaborate and unite in that debut album. And they did.

Photo credit: Jörg Schnebele
Today, musicians old and young, rookies to seasoned artists, from nations everywhere, all share Sina’s deep love and passion for music. It’s why they work with her.
Her special eye and ear for curating artists for her own original works perfectly confirms Sina’s dedication to embracing and enhancing the world of music, combined with her canny entrepreneurial skills in making it all come together.
Truth is, Sina has a great mind for business and marketing. She has made sure that her famed YouTube channel has already amassed over 900k subscribers and 338 MILLION views.
And right there, on that YouTube channel, fans can find covers of top classic rock songs like “Rock You Like A Hurricane” and “Don’t Stop Believin’”, and original songs from her both of her albums.
In the words of Dire Straits’ Terry Williams, “Keep rocking, Sina!”
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