Daria "Dasha" Kobzan
From Kharkiv in Ukraine with a degree in linguistics and a 7-month working sojourn in Israel, Daria “Dasha” Kobzan has joined the NPAFE/AAlchemy team in Washington DC to direct all social media and marketing initiatives.
Smart as a whip and with a second-to-none let’s-get-it-done drive, Dasha has that rare talent to quickly identify the core qualities in whatever she sees, hears, and learns, especially in the performing arts, filmmaking and dance. That goes whether her sources are live, digital, or the written word.
You’ll easily sense Dasha’s talent for conceptualizing and executing compelling social media messaging in the NPAFE and AAlchemy websites and in our Instagram feeds and Facebook pages. Her brilliance is equally impressive in synthesizing the complexities of the performing arts to create succinct and compelling visual and written social media, every step of the way winning the trust of every performing artist whose talents she is so determined to convey.
Together with all the performing arts creators who receive our pro bono marketing and financial support, NPAFE and AAlchemy know how lucky we are that Dasha is on our team. (back to Team page)