Stella Binnert
Guitarist Par Excellence
A native of Marseille, France, Stella Binnert joined the NPAFE staff in April 2024 for her first professional stint in the US where she is helping define critically important elements that make up NPAFE’s social media campaigns.
In her third year at France’s highly-respected Sciences Po University in Aix-en-Province, Stella brings a wonderfully engaging personality combined with a strong passion for the fine and performing arts. And more: a musician with a deep love for the guitar, she is especially creative using technology to translate her imagination into image and words that excite anyone and everyone lucky enough to experience her creations. Quite clearly, she is an innovator who does magic every time her fingertips touch a keyboard,
In a word, NPAFE is fortunate to have Stella as part of our team, here in Washington DC and, with luck, perhaps even when she returns to France. We certainly hope so. She is lending valuable ideas, insight and vision that are improving the way NPAFE communicates with its audiences and especially its outreach to the performing arts community.
How cool is that! (back to Team page)