Victoire Sadorge
It is only by accident, but for NPAFE a very lucky accident, that we can share this information about Victoire Sadorge, a rising graduate student from France now well along the way in her Master’s Degree courses at France’s prestigious EMLyon Business School.
It was in March 2024 that Victoire reached out by a cold-call email asking if she might be considered for a 5-month internship. It took only one Zoom meeting for us to say yes. And that began a process meant to have her working with our on-site Social Media team at our Washington DC office.
Red-tape problems arose and Victoire’s coming to the US was not meant to be, at least not in 2024. But, to our surprise, that did not deter her from expressing a strong interest in working with NPAFE remotely.
Which is exactly what has happened, and are we ever better off for it! Victoire’s self-direction is extraordinary in defining what to do, when, and how. So is her self-confidence when bringing solutions to the table. We are in particular awe of her unending willingness to give of her mind and her time when teaming with us to refine NPAFE’s marketing initiatives, including granular data analysis of specific NPAFE marketing campaigns, and to the way NPAFE reaches to performing artists in dance who may benefit from our support.
Go Victoire! (back to Team page)