© Aiden CK
© Aiden CK
© Aiden CK
I believe in the potency of movement as a formidable tool to provoke thought, weave narratives, and etch oneself into the annals of history.
I have an unwavering dedication to embracing the full spectrum of life and honouring love in its myriad forms. Thus, I infuse my work with an abundance of vitality, energy and a relentless spirit of exploration.
In my multifaceted approach to creativity, I delve into the intricacies of both bodies and souls, seamlessly blending dance with diverse art forms to continually push the boundaries of expression.
Opening moments from SPECTRUM
The stage? Darkened. With a ghostly haze. Tension. A pendulum of sound, something rigid, unseen, wooden perhaps, maybe steel, back and forth, back and forth, not in silence and instead with an ominous strike against something heavy, echoing, nowhere to be found but heard. Loudly.
Eight dancers, the whiteness of their costuming in sharp contrast with the dark, poised in stillness, imprisoned in a box, given arbitrary labels not their own by society. Waiting but sensing there’s a way to break past, to break out, striking down these barriers with sudden machine robot movement that over 16 minutes evolves from the hostility of intolerance to the warmth of human contact and one-to-one touch.
So it was, and so it is, that early in 2024 at London’s The Place, 250 or so people got to see and feel Manon Servage’s “SPECTRUM” up close and personal, the creative product flowing from the mind of one of Europe’s most imaginative new composers of contemporary choreographic dance magic. Not just live and instead also digitally in a form of choreographed camera work that rivals anything Hollywood might produce.
Self-evident in Servage’s SPECTRUM and so many of her other works? An uncanny power to translate the essence of an emotion or idea that may cross her mind into the touch of dance that intensely portrays a story just by movement, with nary a word spoken. Married perfectly with sound, light, music and rhythm. And stunning camera work whenever and wherever possible so that others not in the room still can see. And be swept away.
Manon Servage Workshop ©Aubin-Rebillard
More than that, Servage is as much a doer as thinker. Self-evident in her creations is an inner awareness that very few others have: just how complex it can be to mount a performance from the very start of a moment’s thought all the way through to final production. Who to cast. Where to rehearse. How to find the funding. The “skin-in-the-game” funds she herself will put into making it all happen. The production partnerships. The venue. Squeezing the most out of the often so-costing studio time to practice until perfect. She knows it all: how to artfully assemble all the puzzle pieces into a whole that becomes a masterwork.
Manon Servage production of SPIRAL © Manon Servage
Think we’re overstating? Not hardly. This French-Canadian who at 15 years old struck out on her own in Paris has a cv that conveys not only an impressive performing arts and production career but the startling fact that at 21 years old as of this writing, she is being chosen time and again by people who understand the authority of her creativity.
Manon Servage & dancers plus France’s bossa nova singer Aupinard, after performing live on French TV, March 2024
Even if you don’t understand French, you will see from her many appearances on French TV that this London-based master of live and digital dance imagination is in great demand. And for good reason: her power to translate thought into movement is one-of-a-kind strong strong strong.
Are we impressed by all who Manon Servage is and all that she does? Be sure of it. We’re following her and supporting her. You should, too. Why? One look at the stills and videos just below and you’ll understand.
“A year and a half ago I decided to move to London, without having any concrete plan. Since then, it’s been a real rollercoaster. It’s been high, low, empty, busy, more than busy, tough, sometimes so fu****g tough…but it’s also been by far the best decision I have ever made for myself…I am forever grateful for every single person I met since I moved here. The ones who trusted me and my craft in some of the craziest jobs I have ever done. The ones that inspire me, that give strength and unconditional love every second. The ones I call my family.”
Manon Servage
August 15, 2023
I believe in the potency of movement as a formidable tool to provoke thought, weave narratives, and etch oneself into the annals of history.
I have an unwavering dedication to embracing the full spectrum of life and honouring love in its myriad forms. Thus, I infuse my work with an abundance of vitality, energy and a relentless spirit of exploration.
In my multifaceted approach to creativity, I delve into the intricacies of both bodies and souls, seamlessly blending dance with diverse art forms to continually push the boundaries of expression.
Opening moments from SPECTRUM
The stage? Darkened. With a ghostly haze. Tension. A pendulum of sound, something rigid, unseen, wooden perhaps, maybe steel, back and forth, back and forth, not in silence and instead with an ominous strike against something heavy, echoing, nowhere to be found but heard. Loudly.
Eight dancers, the whiteness of their costuming in sharp contrast with the dark, poised in stillness, imprisoned in a box, given arbitrary labels not their own by society. Waiting but sensing there’s a way to break past, to break out, striking down these barriers with sudden machine robot movement that over 16 minutes evolves from the hostility of intolerance to the warmth of human contact and one-to-one touch.
So it was, and so it is, that early in 2024 at London’s The Place, 250 or so people got to see and feel Manon Servage’s “SPECTRUM” up close and personal, the creative product flowing from the mind of one of Europe’s most imaginative new composers of contemporary choreographic dance magic. Not just live and instead also digitally in a form of choreographed camera work that rivals anything Hollywood might produce.
“A year and a half ago I decided to move to London, without having any concrete plan. Since then, it’s been a real rollercoaster. It’s been high, low, empty, busy, more than busy, tough, sometimes so fu****g tough…but it’s also been by far the best decision I have ever made for myself…I am forever grateful for every single person I met since I moved here. The ones who trusted me and my craft in some of the craziest jobs I have ever done. The ones that inspire me, that give strength and unconditional love every second. The ones I call my family.”
Manon Servage
August 15, 2023
Self-evident in Servage’s SPECTRUM and so many of her other works? An uncanny power to translate the essence of an emotion or idea that may cross her mind into the touch of dance that intensely portrays a story just by movement, with nary a word spoken. Married perfectly with sound, light, music and rhythm. And stunning camera work whenever and wherever possible so that others not in the room still can see. And be swept away.
Manon Servage Workshop ©Aubin-Rebillard
More than that, Servage is as much a doer as thinker. Self-evident in her creations is an inner awareness that very few others have: just how complex it can be to mount a performance from the very start of a moment’s thought all the way through to final production. Who to cast. Where to rehearse. How to find the funding. The “skin-in-the-game” funds she herself will put into making it all happen. The production partnerships. The venue. Squeezing the most out of the often so-costing studio time to practice until perfect. She knows it all: how to artfully assemble all the puzzle pieces into a whole that becomes a masterwork.
Manon Servage production of SPIRAL © Manon Servage
Think we’re overstating? Not hardly. This French-Canadian who at 15 years old struck out on her own in Paris has a cv that conveys not only an impressive performing arts and production career but the startling fact that at 21 years old as of this writing, she is being chosen time and again by people who understand the authority of her creativity.
Manon Servage & dancers plus France’s bossa nova singer Aupinard, after performing live on French TV, March 2024
Even if you don’t understand French, you will see from her many appearances on French TV that this London-based master of live and digital dance imagination is in great demand. And for good reason: her power to translate thought into movement is one-of-a-kind strong strong strong.
Are we impressed by all who Manon Servage is and all that she does? Be sure of it. We’re following her and supporting her. You should, too. Why? One look at the stills and videos just below and you’ll understand.